“God wants to bring us all together as one family. Let us turn our prayers to him. For our sovereign, King Albert: that he can remember with gratitude his years of commitment to the service of his country, May the esteem and friendship of all those he met help him to live with joy this new time in his life. Let's pray, Lord. For our future sovereign, King Philippe: that he can exercise his new function with strength and dedication, that confidence and foresight be given to him in the tasks that await him, that the needs of our society are the object of his full attention, and that everything he does will benefit everyone. Let's pray, Lord. For the Royal Family: May she be a support for our King and our future King and that its members mutually support each other and find their joy in being available to serve the happiness of others. Let's pray to the Lord. For our country and its people, may harmony prevail over discord and disunity, that we look with pride and joy on all the positive progress and that we work with patience on what seems difficult to us. Let's pray to the Lord. Lord, you who watch over our world, especially protect our present King and our future King, that they feel carried and supported may they walk with confidence in your paths of friendship and service. Through Jesus, Our Lord. » Amen