Forty days to sort, to get rid of what is useless like when you have to cross a desert, Forty days to no longer be satisfied of “just right” to get away from the bare minimum, Forty days to educate the heart and love, learn to love, in a new way, like the first days, to educate the mind, tear him away from his obsessions, from his preconceived ideas, and open it to novelty, to educate the gaze to go beyond wear through the screen masks and appearances, Forty days to walk at a different pace, to change your style, to do housework, to purify oneself, Forty days to look at others, to look at God, to listen to the Word of Christ and let it be his work of recovery in the secret of our desires, Forty days to be transfigured, Forty days to grow with the Gospel, Forty days to learn to live!