INVOCATION O Lord, our God and our Father, you who enlighten the blind and who have given this admirable gift to Saint Fare, your blessed servant, deign, O my God, to grant to her intercession in our favor the healing and perfect health that we hope for your goodness, to devote it to loving you and obeying you in all your commandments. By Our Lord Jesus Christ amen Saint Fare, who is invoked so effectively to recover our sight, pray for us. PRAYER O God, who wanted, for the redemption of the world, to be born in a manger, to be circumcised, reprobated by the Jews; betrayed by a sacrilegious kiss from the traitor Judas; bound like an innocent lamb to be slain; shamefully dragged before the courts of Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate and Herod; accused by false witnesses, beaten, covered with spit, beaten with rods, crowned with thorns, ridiculed, satiated with opprobrium and ignominy; finally, stripped of your clothes; attached with nails to a cross; placed between two thieves, drunk with gall and vinegar, and pierced by the head of a spear: amiable Savior, thus immolated to consummate the sublime work of our redemption, by tearing us from the triple servitude of sin, of the demon and from hell; I beseech you with so many atrocious tortures endured out of love for me, and the memory of which will always be present in my heart; I beseech you, through your cross and your death, deliver me from the pains of hell, and deign to introduce me into this celestial kingdom where you have introduced the penitent thief crucified with you; you who, being God, live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever, amen