“O Jesus, most beautiful of the children of men, I admire Your divine features and Your resplendent brilliance in Your Glorious Transfiguration on Tabor. But here, my Saviour, on this Altar, in this Tabernacle, how I love to see You in your Transfiguration of Love! I adore You, O Good Jesus, in this cloud of sacramental Species with which You have enveloped Your Majesty and Your Glory; I hear your Voice, O Heavenly Father, resounding in this Sanctuary: It is there, my beloved Son, in whom I have placed all my complacency: listen to Him. Yes, I will listen to You, my Divine Master; here I am at Your feet, speak, Your servant is listening. Let Your divine Voice be heard within me, transfigure my soul in Yourself, purifying it of all its stains, impressing it with Your holy likeness, and each time I have the happiness of uniting myself to You in Your Sacrament , perfect in me this blessed image, since a Christian must be another Jesus Christ: Christianus, alter Christus. Blessed Virgin, it is written of the three privileged Apostles who witnessed the Transfiguration of Your divine Son, that raising their eyes, they saw only Jesus Alone: Hominem viderunt nisi Jesum solum. Such has been Your whole life, O first Lover of my Saviour, divine Mary! Always Jesus, and Jesus alone was the object of all Your thoughts, of all Your affections, and everywhere Your eyes saw only Jesus. I also hear You saying to me with the Heavenly Father: This is my beloved Son, in whom I have placed all my complacency. O Mother of my God, obtain for me a tender affection for this sweet Savior whom You have given to the world, and the Grace to contemplate Him eternally with You in His Glory”. Amen