“Ah! Jesus, Fountain of life, from your very Source make me drink the cup of living water so that, having tasted You eternally, I may no longer thirst other than You! Immerse me entirely in the depths of your Mercy. Baptize me and make me spotless in Your precious Death. Renew me in your Blood, whereby you have redeemed me. In the water of Your most holy Side, wash away all the stains with which I may have soiled baptismal innocence. Fill me with your Spirit and possess me entirely, in purity of body and soul. My most sweet Jesus, preserve in the intimate Sanctuary of your very good Heart, the purity of my baptismal innocence and the charter of my faith, so that under Your faithful custody, I can present them to You intact at the hour of my death. With Grace, print on my heart the seal of your Heart, so that I can live according to You and, after this exile, with joy reach You without obstacle. Amen